Short answer is that in my opinion, even scumbags like Icke have the freedom of speech.
Thursday, 17 December 2015
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Who killed the PM?
And Now
Our Nightmare Has Ended?
I haven't
posted anything since Malcolm Turnbull took over as PM of Australia.
The reason is simple. I had nothing to say you couldn't read hundreds
of other places, including the mainstream media. I can change that
There has
been a great deal of questioning of the media's role in Australian
political life. Both traditional and social media have been blamed
for the new unstable era of Australian politics. I think it's a
nonsense pedaled by angry and scared politicians who barely
comprehend what in happening and so blame the media, not their own
The day of
14/09/15 will always be remembered by political tragics as the day
Tony Abbott fell, but whether it becomes a sea-change event in the
life of our nation is still an open question.
The way the
media in Australia treated this event was telling, best summed up by
the reaction on Q&A when the results of the Liberal Party votes
came through.
Listen to
the audience reaction. First there is an audible intake of breath at
the news the result was in, then a long sigh of relaxation as they
realise the result has gone the way they hoped. Thank God for that
they seemed to say. Even bearing in mind the bias of a Q&A
audience (Malcolm Turnbull is the darling of Q&A crowd) it's
pretty clear that Australia wanted this change. The voters of Canning
that weekend certainly showed their appreciation, with election
results rising 5% for the Coalition over predicted pre Turnbull
media lit up with the #putoutyouronions hashtag going viral. This was
an unpopular leader being given a bronx cheer on the way out. In
short Australia wanted him gone.
the reaction was more concerned. Most non Australian media which
covered the situation raised an important issue. Malcolm Turnbull was
the 5 Australian PM in 5 years. What was causing this instability in
a nation that has low(ish) unemployment, never entered recession
during the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), a fairly low level of debt
(although action was necessary) and reasonably good fundamentals.
So what is
going on here? After 3 PM's between 1983 and 2007, we have now had 5
between 2007 and today. Has the Australian public changed so much
between 2007 and 2015 that new rules apply, or is there something
else going on here?
I would
suggest that while there have been many changes in Australian society
since the turn of the century, social media has been the most
powerful one. Many people now have their news filtered through
Facebook. They wake up and check their account to see what has
happened during the night and early morning. I know i do. My Facebook
account is filled with stories from ABC, BBC, CNN and the Guardian
to name just a few. What I don't see is The Daily Telegraph, The
Herald Sun, Fox News etc. Why not? Well 2 reasons:
- The News Corp sites all have a paywall, so I can see the headline and the 1st paragraph mostly, but that's it
- The News Corp sites all give me a headache when I try to engage with ideas I fundamentally dislike at 7am.
My Facebook
friends tend to skew in a similar political directions, so they are
likely to share and like stories of the same political persuasion as
me. From the refugee advocate who works for a minor political party
and shares the latest stories of the horrific things going on in
Detention Camps on Nauru and Manus Island to the Labor Party local
government Councillor who is globally aware and posts about
interesting labor market issues in North America in particular given
he has a spouse from Canada. Indeed it's quite jarring when someone
posts something not from this mindset.
It's easy
to be caught in an echo chamber under these circumstances. But here's
the thing. I think one thing tends to pull us out of an echo chamber
better than any other force. Employment. Employment in a
non-political role means you must interact with people with all
different types of political opinion. Sometimes you meet people
vilified in the mainstream and social media. Personally I developed
real affection for the sassy Muslim girl who was always 1 step ahead
of me as her manager, or the refugee, who was my boss and was the
most driven man I have ever met. Then there was the damaged
conservative bloke who had seen it all before and used to roll his
eyes at my crazy ideas, but was quick with a joke and would explain
to me how my idea would screw up everything..... It's these
interactions that are the antidote to the echo chamber. Real people.
So I don't
think that the echo chamber effect is responsible for some massive
change in the Australian voting public. There are some Australians
caught in an echo chamber, but they tend to be career politicians and
media types(only interacting with people like them), retirees and the
unemployed/disenfranchised. It's no coincidence that the stereotype of
the typical racist is an old racist bloke listening to Ray Hadlee and
Alan Jones. He gets no other input. Of course he's going to fear
muslims and refugees, he's never met either and all the voices in his
echochamber are afraid.
Which leads
us back to the political class and the echo chamber. These people
don't have the balancing factor that is employment. They only interact
with like-minded individuals. It's this that I see as the cause of
all the instability in recent years. Take the ousting of Kevin Rudd.
The Rudd
Government had been quite popular and Kevin in particular was well
liked as a PM. The Rudd Government had made Climate Change Action a
top priority. Rudd forced then opposition leader Malcolm Turnbull to
back his plan for an ETS. Turnbull agreed, but was deposed in favor
of Tony Abbott by the God fearing, science denying nutjobs that form
the right in the Liberal Party.
How did
these people become science denying idiots?
- Self deception. If 97% of doctors say I have lung cancer and need chemotherapy, I should go to get the treatment I need. What i shouldn't do is up my cigarette intake and hope for the best.
- The Echo Chamber. Everyone I know seems to agree with me that 97% of doctors are wrong and we should smoke more because we have bought shares in the tobacco company and a rising sea level lifts all boats....
- The Death of Intellectual Curiosity. If you are deceiving yourself about the above, you won't want to hear anything about cancer at all because deep down you know you are deceiving yourself and any information that confirms the truth is both to be rejected and feared.
So the echo
chamber can reinforce the self deception that we all indulge in from
time to time. However when you are a powerful group faction in the
Government it becomes highly dangerous and causes terrible damage.
Case One
Rudd has
placed a great deal of work and hope on the Climate Change Summit in
Copenhagen in 2009. He had even been given a special role by the
chairman (The Danish PM) to rally support for real reform. Then the
climate summit at Copenhagen happened. The world was not ready to
come along with us. Rudd then fumbled around for some time before
dropping climate change in the "too hard" basket. Voters
were angry and his polling numbers dropped precipitously.
Most 1st
term governments become unpopular in Australia. John Howard in
particular had a tough 1st term with lousy polling, but
was returned after laying out a plan for financial reform. The last
public opinion poll of the 1st Rudd Government had Labor
leading 52%-48% Two Party Preferred (TPP). Rudd was still a popular
PM in the prime of his power.
But Rudd
had never been liked inside the party. He was abrasive, dismissive,
made too many "captains calls" and became a hated man. An
Anti Rudd faction began to form. They got there hands on some "dire"
internal polling that claimed Rudd could not win the next election.
So they gathered the numbers and rolled him. It was quick, clean and
made Australia cry out in unison WHAT THE FUCK?
You will
notice that the media played little to no role in Rudd's downfall.
There was little speculation leading up to it, it was all the
politicians. The Labor Party acted in a shallow, unprofessional,
vindictive and immature fashion. So anyone counselling that the new
instability since 2007 is the media's fault (be it mainstream media
or social) has little evidence to back their theory from Rudd's
Case Two
Gillard took this shambles of a political party to minority
government in the election of July 2010. Rudd refused to step down
and resign from Parliament as deposed PM's are expected to do and his
strategic leaking of sensitive information about Julia Gillard's
positions in cabinet under his Prime Ministership. After the election
he was appointed foreign minister, but he never really gave Gillard a
chance to chart her own course because he was sniping and undermining
her every step of the way. Which was his plan all along. Tony Abbott
and Pete Credlin have both claimed credit for the defeat of Julia
Gillard but the truth is the Liberal Party didnt defeat her. Rudd
did. Of course the News Limited papers sniped every day and wore away
at her, but without the underlying instability of having a highly
popular PM doing everything he can to destroy her from the ministry
and then the back bench, all the negativity from the media would have
mattered very little. Julia's downfall was not due to the media
reporting she was in trouble, the trouble was already there. Blonde
bespectacled trouble. Rudd and his supporters are totally to blame
for the instability from 2010-2013. Not Murdoch, not Twitter, but
Kevin Rudd.
Case 3
Kevin Rudd
took over again in 2013 in time for the 2013 election in an attempt
to salvage the situation and "save the furniture". He got
his wish. He defeated Julia Gillard and was PM again. For less then 3
months. He achieved his goal of destroying Julia Gillard's Prime
Ministership but the fallout was completly predictable. The
Australian voters were completly sick of the soap opera. Anyone
arguing that the Labor Party deserved another term were kidding
themselves and Australia gave them the kicking they deserved. Anyone
blaming the media for Rudd's second demise really has issues with
Case 4
Tony Abbott
ran the worse government I can remember. He systematically destroyed
his credibility with bizarre and ridiculous pronouncements. He had
the most obvious case of echo chamber fever I have ever seen.
Australia saw it to. He surrounded himself with like-minded
individuals so much that his cabal seemed to regard anyone with
slightly varying opinions to the norm as an enemy. Then he alienated
anyone who disagreed with his bizarre views, picked fights with
absolutly everyone and his administration blamed their mistakes on
everybody but them. He had to go. Turnbull was the logical candidate
to replace him, giving 5 PM's in 5 years. Once again, it wasn't
Twitter, Facebook, the Fairfax Press or the ABC who brought Abbott
down, it was his bizarre take on reality.
The Echo
To come
full circle Turnbull was the PM change outside of the election that
we wanted, indeed yearned for. Of course Turnbull's premiership was
not universally greeted with joy.
Now Andrew
Bolt can say we made a mistake if he wants, but that's because Bolt
is a reality denying nutjob. He works in and actually contributes to
the right wing nutty echo chamber. He says it's our fault, but he is
wrong, it's not our fault we derided at Tony. He did dumb things. He
deserved to be laughed at.
Of course,
the fault lies with Tony. But there is one more thing. The fault of
creating the echo chamber, that's Bolt and his mates at the Murdoch
Press They are the enablers. They created the conditions where Abbott
thought he was doing a reasonable job at reflecting the country's
values, but people like Bolt, Ray Hadlee and Alan Jones don't speak
for me. In fact they don't speak for the majority of Australian, they
speak for a very small minority of Australia. That is the truth that
Bolt, Hadlee and Ackerman forget, when they write, often it's not us
the public at large they are persuading, its the politicians who are
living in the echo chamber.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
The Syrian Refugee Crisis
Refugee Crisis- How did we get here and what should we do now?
Its only
now coming into the Australian public conscience that there is a
refugee crisis in Syria. The war that caused this crisis started in
2011 within the context of the Arab Spring. However there is a wider
context which should inform Australia's reaction.
From Rome
to the Ottomans
Here is a
map of the region in 1914. You'll notice that there is no Syria. The
whole area of modern Syria was controlled by the Ottoman Empire. In
fact no matter how far back into history you go, you won't find the
state of Syria. You will find the area of Syria held by the Mamluks,
Ayyubid, French, English and the Romans.
Anzac Day
During WWI
the Ottoman Turks aligned themselves with the Germany and
Austria-Hungary. Winston Churchill conceived of a plan to knock the
Ottoman Turks out of the war. So on April 25 1915 Allied forces
landed on the Gallipolli Peninsula in Turkey.
A British
led local campaign was also started against Ottoman holings in the
Levant. This campaign was made famous by T.E. Lawrence (Lawrence of
forces were also involved in another campaign, winning a famous
victory at Beersheba and peeling it off the Ottoman Empire (the
charge of the Light Horsemen).
Faced with
this kind of pressure both to their Imperial holdings and to their
homeland the Ottomans fell back. The British and the French were very
keen to gain a foothold in this area. Britain in particular had
decided the oilfields of Mesopotamia (Iraq) would benefit from British
rule especially.
Treaty of
At the end
of the war Syria and Lebanon were given to France. The border
between Syria and Iraq was layed down arbitrarily. The
border took no account of the local populace's needs, only the needs
of France and Britain were considered. People were cut off
from one another in the same way that Berliners were when the Berlin
wall went up.
Breaks the Deal
In 1936
France and Syria negotiated a treaty of independence, however France
refused to ratify it. This didn't stop the Syrians, who duly elected
a President. The momentum for a free and Democratic Syria was
passed to Vichy France in 1940. It was then re-occupied in 1941 by
the British and Free French forces during WWII. Sadly the French
forces had no intention of leaving.
Difficult Birth
The French
forces bombed Damascus and tried to arrest the democratically elected
leaders of Syria in may 1945. However world opinion had turned and on
24 October 1945 The United Nations was ratified with Syria as a
founding member. This is the founding date of the Syrian Republic.
Remember that France, Syria's last colonial power fought tooth and
nail every step of the journey\ towards independence, but happily was
unable to stop the founding of the Syrian nation.
Arab Republic
joined with Egypt in 1958 to form the United Arab Republic. Egypt
President Gamal Abdul Nassar was extremly popular for standing up to
Britain and was advocating for a Pan Arab identity and nation. The
national merger was ratified by popular referendum. However this
experiment did not work as intended. It was brought to a halt in 1961
when disgruntled army officers enguaged in Coup D'etat to bring back
the Syrian Republic. This pan arab failure, was self inflicted.
Inflicted Injuries
The 1960's
were a tumultuous time in Syrian affairs. Their were military coups
in 1961, 1963, 1966 and 1970. This final Coup was instituted by Hafez
Al-Assad. His son Bashar Al-Assad is president of Syria to this day.
One Party
Al-Assad instituted a one party state. He promoted people of his own
ethnicity (alawite) in the intelligence agency. By doing this the
Alawites could dominate the Sunni's approx 70% of the population with
15% approx Shia. A mirror image of Saddam Husseins Iraq. Al Assad's
regime was brutal, but it did provide stability in a nation that
needed it.
In 2003
George W Bush's USA invaded Iraq. There actually were 4 nations who
provided troops. The USA, The UK, Australia and Poland. The invasion
was nominally to disarm Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction,
but in truth it was a campaign to defeat Saddam Hussein and gain
access to the same oil fields that the UK had coveted 85 years
before. A third stated objective was to plant a western style
democracy in the middle east.
Win The
War But Lose The Peace
Alliance had no problem brushing aside the forces of Saddam Hussein s
Iraq. However, once the Alliance held the nation it was difficult
thing to control it. As Saddam Hussein knew only too well, Iraq was a
disparate set of peoples, who had no real bond to remain together in
a nation. It could only be held down by violence and fear. Soon the
country erupted into chaos.
Iraq was
held down by the Sunni minority. Some 30% or so of the population
controlled the other 70%. when the USA implemented a voting republic,
it failed to conceive the danger. The majority Shiites formed by far
the largest group in the Iraqi Parliament and elected the President.
The Shiite President was unable to work with the Sunni's. Being in
the minority, the Sunni's worried that it was only a matter of time
until the Shiites (whom they had ruled since the treaty of Versailles)
turned on them and committed genocide. This is the catalyst which
makes ISIS so dangerous, they feel if they lose, they will be wiped
Back to
those borders between states laid down in 1919? When Syria was
running smoothly, it could still manage to keep the undesirables out.
But then the Arab Spring happened. Suddenly the majority Sunni's were
marching on the streets. The government cracked down hard. The reason
was simple and logical. They knew they were the minority and they
believed that if they allowed the majority to rule there might well
be a genocide committed on them. That's why chemical weapons were used
so early in the conflict. It also destroyed Syria's capability to
keep the border closed to the warriors of the civil war in Iraq.
So we had a
minority Sunni militia fearing genocide in Iraq (ISIS) and we had a
majority Sunni militia who had been the target of WMD's in Syria. We
also had a porous border between the 2 nations so that the 2 wars
unified into one enormous CLUSTERFUCK.
Back to
the Original Question
So how are
we in Australia to react to the refugee crisis erupting out of Syria
now. Well I'd suggest some self reflection for a start. I would
suggest that we have been used by the dominate empires of the day in
their empire building. However, some nations seem to have a special
responsibility to the Syrian people today.
Debt of
Empire - France
really should be taking a larger amount of the refugees. From 1920
until 1950 France fought for the right to exploit the Syrian people
and land for it's resources. Now is the time to pay that debt.
Debt of
Stupidity – USA
What in
God's name George W Bush and his idiotic VP Dick Cheney thought they
would accomplish when they invaded Iraq and de-stabilised the whole
region will be a question that vexes historians thousands of years
from now. The debt of stupidity has come due. It's time for the USA
to pay through showing it's humanity, not its engines of war.
Debt of
Ages – Turkey
I would say
that Turkey owes Syria a great deal and it's time to pay up, but then
look at the nation doing the heavy lifting here.....
Debt of
Enabling – Britain
helped France in peeling Syria away from the Ottoman Empire. It also
helped the USA in the 2003 invasion of Iraq. A special mention for
the nation who sent in soldiers in to take over Iraq in 1920 and then
sent their great grandsons and daughters back there in 2003. Learning
nothing in the preceding 83 years. This crisis comes at a time when
Britain is troubled by isolationist ratbags(some of them in the
government), but humanity needs to prevail and the debt needs to be
Debt of
has meddled in middle eastern affairs almost since federation. A
nation on the far side of the world, we fought hard to open up Syria
for western plunder. We campaigned in Palestine, Turkey and Iraq for
oil Britain and the USA. Why did we do this? Ultimately I think we did
it because we were afraid of the world without our big protector, so
were always at their beck and call. It's a shame we are so afraid,
but also means we owe Syria. Suffering from a leader who makes George
Bush look like Albert Einstein whether humanity will prevail here is
definitely an open question.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Don't Tread on Me!
do we Interpret Operation Fortitude?
Friday 28th August at 9:52 am Victoria Police issued a
statement about an upcoming operation to crack down on anti-social
behavior that weekend. These operations are nothing new and quite
routine. The operation was to involve Victoria Police, Yarra Trams,
The Sheriffs Office, Taxi Service Commission, Metro Trains and the
Australian Border Force (ABF).
is a relatively new organisation (it was formed by a merger in July
2015 of the Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and the
Department of Immigration and Border Protection. It was modeled on
two organisations. Border Force UK and the American Department of
Homeland Security.
10:14am The ABF released its own statement. It read:
joining inter-agency outfit to target crime in Melbourne CBD

and tomorrow evening (Friday 28 and Saturday 29 August 2015) Metro
Trains, Yarra Trams, the Sheriff’s Office, Taxi Services Commission
and the ABF will join Victoria Police as part of the inter-agency
a particular focus on people travelling to, from and around the CBD,
the group of agencies will work together to support the best
interests of Melbournians, targeting everything from anti-social
behaviour to outstanding warrants.
Regional Commander Victoria and Tasmania, Don Smith, is proud the ABF
will be participating in the operation.
the ABF regularly conducts a range of compliance field-work, this is
the first time we’ve been involved in an inter-agency operation of
this nature and we’re very proud be able to support each of our
organisations to achieve our common mission of promoting a secure and
cohesive society here in Melbourne.”
officers will be positioned at various locations around the CBD
speaking with any individual we cross paths with,” Mr Smith said.
need to be aware of the conditions of your visa; if you commit visa
fraud you should know it’s only a matter of time before you’re
caught out.”
inter-agency outfit will continue to work together on an ongoing
basis to target crime in and around the Melbourne CBD to make the
city a safer place for everyone.
Media opportunity
Fortitude will be launched by representatives from each participating
agency at 2pm today (Friday 28 August 2015) on the steps of Flinders
Street Railway Station.
I have bolded the text
which caused the issue. The Australian Border Force told Melbourne
that they would be speaking to "individuals we cross paths with".
Here it certainly sounded like Border Force were jackbooting around
Melbourne, approaching anyone they meet and demanding "Papers
Social media went into
meltdown. The hashtag #borderforce trended worldwide. The ABF
statement was both incredibly offensive and pointed to illegal
behavior on the part of Border Force. A protest was organised at the
spot the press conference was to be held. This was Flinders Street
Station steps. The beating heart of the city. Traffic was stopped and
rail commuters were confronted with placard waving leftist protesters
screaming chants like "refugees are welcome, Border Force is
Border Force looked to
clarify their position quickly and sent out 4 tweets to calm the
storm they had created.
ABF will assist Victoria Police in an operation to target crime in
the #Melbourne
this weekend 1/4
officers will assist partner agencies by conducting background visa
checks on individuals who are referred to us 2/4
ABF does not and will not stop people at random in the streets &
does not target on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity 3/4
has regularly conducted compliance activity of this nature in the
past. This responsibility will now be continued by ABF 4/4
ABF then tweeted a link to a longer statement.
28-08-2015 -
Australian Border Force (ABF) will not be ‘stopping people at
random’ in Melbourne to ‘check people’s papers’ as reported
in media this morning regarding Operation Fortitude.
stated in this morning’s press release, the ABF will be assisting
in a joint operation led by Victoria Police in Melbourne this
be clear:
- This is a joint agency operation led by Victoria Police.
- The ABF will assist other agencies in this operation by conducting background visa checks on individuals who are referred to us by Victoria Police and other agencies.
- The ABF is but one of eight agencies assisting in this operation.
- The ABF does not and will not stop people at random in the streets and does not target on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity.
- Joint operations of this type are common and were previously conducted by Departmental immigration officers.
activity will occur at only two of the numerous locations where
Operation Fortitude will be carried out in the Melbourne CBD this
Media Operations:
(02) 6264 2244
Media Operations:
(02) 6264 2244
Very quickly Victoria
Police (who were in charge of the operation) cancelled the press
conference and then cancelled the whole operation. The tone of the
comment on social media changed quickly as well. The hashtag
#borderforce was replaced by #borderfarce. People were no longer
angry, but poked huge amount of fun at the bungled operation.
Border Force went from
looking like Heinrich Himmler to Sgt Shultz in minutes. But in the
cold light of day, how should we react to this event?
Went Wrong?
This operation was led by Victoria Police. The legality of Operation
Fortitude is quite solid. These operations are routine and legal.
Border Force were only part of the operation behind the scenes where
Vic Police would bring people they picked up to check visa status.
This is Legal. In my opinion it's also a reasonable use of resources.
But Mr Don Smith the head of Victoria and Tasmania Border Force in
writing the offending media statement massivly overplayed both Border
Force's role in Operation Fortitude and issued the type of menacing
statement more expected in Soviet Russia than Liberal Australia.
Either Mr Smith believed this is how the operation would be
undertaken, which as an illegal operation would be either grossly
incompetent or show an astounding indifference towards the law which
is quite explicit that Border Force require "reasonable
suspicion of violation of immigration law", or he knew that he
described an illegal operation, but hoped no-one would notice.
Law Enforcement agencies always push legal boundaries. It is in the
nature of the job. We tell Law enforcement officer to do a job, but
in the name of freedom, we make it harder for them by requiring them
to get warrants etc. This is the tension Law Enforcement and
Legislative Government are required to balance. It is a balance that
the Abbott Government has tipped massively against freedom and towards
Law Enforcement.
The Abbott Government has flat-lined almost terminally in the polls.
Only one issue raises a murmur in the polls from the dead heart of
the voting public. National Security. It didn't go unnoticed by Abbott
and his colleagues that the more he makes Australia scared, the more
votes he gets.
According to Laura Tingle Tony Abbott is trying to capitalise in
this fact by delivering one defense/security "announcable"
per week until the election. This Operation Fortitude participation
is one of those announcables. I think it's quite likely that Don
Smith was told to overstate Border Force's role in Operation
Fortitude by his management under pressure from the Federal
So the Border Force press release and the press conference were
intended to make Melbourne feel safe from the scourge of immigrants,
by threatening immigrants. They showed such an amazing tone deafness
to a city of immigrants that one immediately has to suspect the Abbott
Government's hand.
Most of the commentariat fell into their well worn rolls
talking about this issue. The right wingers laughed at how anyone
could imagine jackbooted thugs on the streets of Melbourne. This was
all just a beat-up about a badly worded press release. They were
right. The left wingers railed against the militarism of Border Force
and their leaders. They were also correct.
Something significant occured on friday. Border Force collectivly
threatened Melbourne. They told Melbourne they would be checking
visa's at random. The press release not only could be read that way,
but In my opinion was intended to be read that way. Melbourne Said
"No". A line was drawn in the sand that will make it more
difficult for another government to cross. When push came to shove
Melbourne stared back at the bully and declared "DON'T TREAD ON
Friday, 21 August 2015
Why Tony Abbott Must Resign
Tony Abbott Must Resign
This blog
is intended to say something original. I don't post every day because I cant
always come up with an original idea every day. But today i'm going
to echo the blogosphere and the people at large and call for Tony
Abbott to step down as PM. We all know he won't go willingly, but in
the end he must go.
Charges Against Mr Abbott
has used executive power against political opponents:
Tony Abbott
has broken convention in using the power of Royal Commissions to
attack his political opponents. Royal Commissions are established by
the Governor general on the advice of the Government of the day. They
are controlled by the Prime Minister.
The first
Commission I have a problem with is the Royal Commission into the Home
Insulation Scheme. Abbott dragged Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd and Peter
Garrett into a quasi court in a bid to punish them after their time
in Government. Their only crime? To be on the left of the political
The Home
Insulation Scheme was a policy of the Rudd Govt to insulate home free
of charge in an attempt to reduce heating costs, lower greenhouse gas
emissions, stimulate the economy after the global financial crisis
and lower unemployment. In order to overcome the looming recession
caused by global financial crisis this programme had to move quickly.
were assuredly made. Contractors cut corners. Some roofs were
accidentally electrified and some homes were burned down. 4 people
died in this programme. But Mr Rudd/Ms Gillard and Mr Garrett most
certainly didn't light those fires or electrocute those workers. That
was shoddy work from contractors breaking the law.
Even John
Howard was uncomfortable with this kind of political punishment.
But making
his former mentor uncomfortable didn't deter Mr Abbott from a second
Royal Commission. This one was into the union movement. There was
some evidence of corruption in the Union movement, more has been
brought to light by the Royal Commission, but the real reason behind
having it was to get Bill Shorten on the stand and make him look
untrustworthy by flinging mud at him. It was working to a degree
until news of the Commissioner Dyson Heydon's agreement to speak at a
Liberal Party fundraiser. The fact that he hasn't recused himself yet
is just dumb. Because as the illustrious Judge has proclaimed himself:
is fundamental to the administration of justice that the judge be
neutral,.......It is for this reason that the appearance of departure
from neutrality is a ground of disqualification … because the rule
is concerned with the appearance of bias, and not the actuality, it
is the perception of the hypothetical observer that provides the
So in my
opinion, this Royal Commission was set up to smear Bill Shorten. It's
fundamentally a political operation of the Liberal Party and no High
Court Judge should have taken the job. The judge they got was biased
because you have to put good party men in the job if you want the
correct outcome I.E. The smearing of the opposition leader.
So Mr
Abbott is misusing executive power to attack his enemies.
Why does
this matter? The misuse of executive power to attack political
opponents is a reoccurring theme throughout history and almost always
leads to dysfunctional governments. It was a large part of the reason
that the Roman Republic became ungovernable as a Republic and led to
the installation of the Emperors.
In France the atrocities committed
by the Committee for Public Safety began as attacks on their enemies
through highly legal means.
I'm not saying that Tony Abbott is a
dictator (far from it), but that he is planting seeds that the next
PM and the next and the next might abuse.
A second
problem is that it leads to an arms race. Abbott will probably lose
the next election. Do you think Bill Shorten might retaliate in kind?
It's highly likely. I'd suggest a Royal Commission into the Nauru
detention centre allegations is likely to happen. As it should. But it
should happen because of the groundswell of public opinion as was the
case over the Royal Commission into the Catholic Church's abuse of
Soon I can
foresee a time where PM's will be faced with the prospect of jail time
after they lose power. That's the very threat that lead Julius Caesar
to cross the Rubicon and bring civil war to the Roman Republic. A war
the Republic did not survive.

None of
this will happen if Abbott admits he was wrong to prosecute politics
by judiciary and hands over the reigns of leadership to someone else.
Monday, 10 August 2015
Roger Ailes - Losermaker
Who can
save the Republicans?
Last week
in the build up to the 1st set of Republican Debates I
opined that the American Right have tied themselves a Gordian Knot.
The Gordian Knot was tied by the king of Phyrigia. Whoever untied the
knot would be king of Phyrgia. This mythical knot was impossible to
undo. However when Alexander the Great arrived in Phrygia he simply
pulled out his sword and cut the knot. It's a metaphor for lateral
thinking. It applies to the Republican Party in the 2016 election.
that this party has won one presidential election legitimately since
1988. That of 2004. And that was during a time of war. In 2000 Al
Gore won both the popular vote and after all the votes were counted
in Florida won that state, but Florida's Supreme Court (installed by
Bush's brother) ruled that counting was to stop before all votes were
there are 3 factors stopping the Republican Party adapting to a
changing and latinising America.
- The Echo Chamber:
It has been
consistently shown that people who watch Fox News are far more likely
to be badly informed and factually wrong. Of course it isn't just Fox
News, the radio is full of conservative Rush Limbaugh wannabes
reverberating to whatever tune the echo chamber is singing today.
Sadly this
applies to lawmakers as well as voters. Witness Mitt Romney repeat
Fox News talking points about Benghazi as fact in the 2012
presidential debates and feel the cold sting of reality seconds
- Gerrymandering:
Republican voter lives in this Republican Echo Chamber. The continued
Gerrymandering of seats by both Republican and Democratic Parties
means that Republican House members almost all sit in safe districts,
which means they cant lose to Democrats, but they can lose their seat
to other Republicans. Other Republicans who live in a fact averse
echo chamber. This ultimately pushes the party to the right far beyond
the American populace.
- Free Trade Effect
As America
pursues Economic Liberalism and worldwide level playing field it's
workers wages have not grown in real world terms in 40 years. The
Republicans white working class core voter has not done well under
this regime. Bad times always push voters to the political right. A
right wing fact averse echo chamber tells them who to blame. Pushing
them furthor right. They then reinforce the feedback those in the
echo chamber recieve and the whole process becomes a vicious cycle.
The problem
for the Republican Party is that these factors are driving them
further and further from the American mainstream.
Fox News is
a money making concern and lobbying tool. If you think Rupert
Murdoch's thinking about whats best for America you're sadly
mistaken. Everything he does is for Rupert Murdoch and News
Back to
the Gordian Knot
are watching the country they know and love slip slowly away from
them. It's a distressing feeling. Every elections minorities become
more and more powerful. The voting power of non whites increased from
24% to 26% between the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections. Women
make up 50% of the population, but Republicans struggle to speak to
minorities and women.
presidential election Republican Candidates failed atrociously to
speak about women and minorities. Watch Todd Aitkin completely blunder
his way through this interview and talk about "Legitimate Rape"
whatever that is and completely fails to understand biology, seemingly
believing in magic vaginas.
Who can
Untie the Gordian Knot?
While this
far right culture predominates in the Republican Party the party
itself will continue to dominate the mid-terms, but completely fail to
win the Presidency. What is needed is a new type of Republican who
can carry the bulk of the party, but bring large numbers of women
and minorities back to the party of Abraham Lincoln. Then the established party needs to accept these new
recruits. This needs to happen, because a 2 party democracy with only 1
healthy party leads to an unhealthy country.
It was
notable that Fox News chose the 10 candidates in the 1st
debate. The debate's, makeup was ultimately chosen by Roger Ailes, the
head of Fox News. Fox of course is seen as a natural home for the
Republican Party Debate. But Fox News will lose out if someone breaks
the echo chamber. They have no incentive to back reasonable
candidates and every incentive to ensure the status quo. While the
candidates in the debate were fairly chosen, they included 2 former
Fox talking heads and did not include Carly Fiorina, who's
performance on the under-card debate might just have won her promotion
to prime time for next time
Fiorina performed well during the under-card debate, which Fox happily
filmed inside an empty stadium to make these candidates look
irrelevant. Despite that, Carly Fiorina (ex Hewlett Packard) exec.
might be the one able to move the Republican Party back into health.
Hopefully as a no-nonsense businesswoman, she recognises an
echo-chamber when she see's one.
Marco Rubio
performed well enough in the debate to earn a slot in the next one.
As a Cuban American, he might just have the lightness of touch to
bring Latino's in without alienating the party establishment.
As for the
rest.....not an original thought amongst them. None of them will beat
Clinton next year. None of those can untie this knot.
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