Monday, 6 April 2015

Sleepwalking into Facism?

Sleepwalking into Fascism (George Brandis and the Panopticon)

Morals reformed—health preserved—industry invigorated—instruction diffused—public burthens lightened—Economy seated, as it were, upon a rock—the gordian knot of the poor-law not cut, but untied—all by a simple idea in Architecture!
—Jeremy Bentham

In 1791 architect Willey Reveley drew up plans for a revolutionary type of Prison. The prison was designed by British Philosopher Jeremy Bentham. It was conceived as cheaper, more efficient and morally superior to the prisons of the day. What he had in mind was this.

The Central Guard Tower ensures that all prisoners can be seen, but tinted windows mean that a prisoner cant tell when he/she is being watched and so will tend to behave as if they are being watched, even if the guard tower is empty.
It's genius really, the inmates enslave themselves to a "being watched" mindset, even if the Guard Tower is empty.

Technological Panopticon

George Orwell famously took the idea of the Panopticon and applied it society wide, envisioning it as a means of control over the population. A television that watches you back was comfortably far away in 1948, the year that 1984 was written, but now in the modern world, it's your cyber activity that big brother wants to watch.

What's really going on?

Metadata is the record of who you call, who you message and what websites you visit. I am certain the George Brandis really isn't driving this push for Metadata. Why do I say that? Check this 2014 interview on Sky News. It's clear he can't articulate what metadata is with regard to web surfing

It's likely that Brandis is recieving advice from the security agencies that we need to do this. However the threat remains highly overblown.

In an article by Bernard Keane published by 
Bernard Keane points out that 113 Australians were killed by terrorism in the years 2003 – 12.
In the same time more people were killed by tractors than at the hands of terrorists. So why have we not declared a "War on Tractors"?
In truth the security agencies will always ask for more powers. Its in their nature and positive that someone will ask "wouldn't it be easier if we could do x". Another problem is mission creep. Agencies always tell us that x laws will only be used to go after terrorists. 2 Years later its being used to go after drug crimes. Then the next category. Then the next. It is up to a moral and democratic government to dispassionately weigh the sometimes obvious need for more power with the need for us to remain a free society.
This is a responsibility that this government is failing us on and the consequences down the road could be very dire indeed.

Sleepwalking into Fascism/Stalinism

I am not saying that George Brandis and Tony Abbott are fascist. However with the power that intelligence organisations now have ostensibly to combat terrorism, have you ever hesitated to make a particular google search? I know I have. How would it look to have my private thoughts and questions displayed for the world to see? Maybe its an interest in Mein Kampf. Maybe you have a peculiar interest in criminology. Or what about a spiritual interest? What if you are interested in Islam?
Any or all of these searches could cause the eye of big brother to fall on you, so many of us prefer to remain in ignorance. That's the power of the Panopticon. It is us who police our own behaviour because we can never know if we are being watched or not. 

Big Brother Sees All

What is certain is that if you become known to the powers that be as a subversive, the eye of Big Brother will fall upon you and you can bet all of your intimate details will be made public. This is already happening.

Julian Assange tweaked the nose of the powerful once too often and found his dating profile made public. 

Syrian Leader Bashar Al-Assad had his music tastes laid bare when he came into conflict with the USA with the embarrassing (and amusing) revelation that he enjoys the music of Right Said Fred. Remember that song "I'm too Sexy". Bashar does. He bought it on Itunes.

This is how the leaders of the future will be bought and sold. Co-operate with us or that affair you are having will be made public. Girls remember those nudes you sent to your boyfriend? They'll have them too. And if you make trouble for us, the world will see them too. 

What Can we Do?

We need to explain to our politicians that this state of affairs wont do. Explain to them the ramifications of these decisions, not just today, but for their children's future. I'll bet that most of our politicians have no idea what we are trading away today in fear of terrorism could bite back tomorrow by taking our freedom.


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