Saturday, 9 January 2016

Republican Primary Season - Like Watching a Train Wreck in Slow Motion

Republican Primary Season – Like watching a Train Wreck in Slow Motion

Something rather bizarre seems to be happening in Republican circles. While Donald Trump continues to suck up all the political oxygen, a couple of weeks out from the Iowa Caucus Ted Cruz is actually leading in Iowa.

Ted Cruz is a ratbag. But he just might be the Republican Party Nominee for President. In his time in the US Senate he has plotted a course to destroy the US Government. Having him in the White House would make for an interesting four years. Disastrous, but interesting.

Why people would vote for Senator Cruz, a man who doesn't seem to want the Federal Government to conduct any business is beyond me, but the thought processes of Republican voters are rarely logical. Despite his denials, Cruz was one of the movers and shakers behind the government shutdown in 2013.

Cruz was born in Canada, a situation which has Obama birthers rushing to explain why Cruz IS eligable to run. Cruz seems to want nothing more than to watch the world burn. He refuses to believe global warming and would bomb the middle east "until the sand glowed".

Cruz doesn't believe in the sciene of Global Warming and now oversees NASA's budget. He is a case of government of the people for the people by the stupid.

Enough words have been expended on Trump, so I won't say anything further here.

Ben Carson is a twit. He seems to think that the pyramids of Giza are grain silo's. He denies evolution for crying out loud. A Neurosurgeon who denies evolution is running some serious cognitive dissonance. He won't explain his thoughts on climate change, basically because he has none. Or at least thats what I infer from this.

Jeb Bush is still in the race. Those with long memories remember that it was the Supreme Court of Florida, stacked with his appointees that delivered the Presidency to his brother George in 2000. I think that the party feels it owes a debt to Jeb Bush and that for now he is their preffered candidate. However the Republican base don't agree. Do we really need another Bush in the White House? The Republican establishment thnk so, but can see that the Republican base won't vote for another Bush. Nor should they, quite frankly.

John Kasich could be the establishment candidate. Sober and sensible. Everything you need in an establishment candidate. If he can get some attention he could be the one to unite the party establishment with it's base. That's a big "If" though.

Carly Fiorina is a moderate in that she believes the science that climate change is real and believes in "decriminalizing drug addiction and drug use", an admirable position to me, but not to the Republican base. I also believe her gender works against her with the base. She's most likely an also-ran.

Rick Santorum will get the evangelical vote, but has a natural ceiling. I don't think he can be the nominee.

That leads us to Marco Rubio. He's a Jeb Bush acolyte, so you know the Republican establishment will rally around him if Jeb Bush falls. I think he's the man who will accept the nomination and lose to Hillary Clinton or possibly Bernie Sanders.

Tomorrow – The Democrats.

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